Function words

  • el, (#1, "la the (+m, f)", en)
  • un (#6, "a, an", en)
  • lo (#10, "the (+neut)", en)
  • que (#3, "that, which", en)
  • y (#4, "and", en)
  • como (#20, "like, as", en)
  • o (#29, "or", en)
  • pero (#30, "but, yet, except", en)
  • si (#36, "if, whether", en)
  • porque (#40, "because", en)
  • pues (#73, "then, well then", en)
  • ni (#79, "not even, neither, nor", en)
  • mientras (#127, "while, whereas, as long as", en)
  • aunque (#131, "although, even though", en)
  • sino (#143, "but, except, rather", en)
  • mas (#331, "but, however", en)
  • pese (#1226, "in spite of", en)
  • dado (#1501, "d. que: given that", en)
  • consiguiente (#1613, "por c.: consequently", en)


  • de (#2, "of, from", en)
  • en (#5, "in, on", en)
  • a (#8, "to, at", en)
  • con (#14, "with", en)
  • por (#15, "by, for, through", en)
  • para (#16, "for, to, in order to", en)
  • sin (#54, "without", en)
  • hasta (#60, "until, up to, even (ADV)", en)
  • sobre (#62, "on top of, over, about", en)
  • entre (#63, "between, among", en)
  • desde (#70, "from, since", en)
  • durante (#139, "during", en)
  • hacia (#146, "toward, towards", en)
  • contra (#177, "against, opposite", en)
  • ante (#224, "before, in the presence of", en)
  • bajo (#236, "under, underneath", en)
  • según (#237, "according to", en)
  • través (#270, "a t. de: through, across", en)
  • tras (#318, "after, behind", en)
  • pesar (#405, "a p. de: in spite of", en)
  • mediante (#652, "by means of", en)
  • respecto (#766, "con r. a: regarding", en)
  • acerca (#842, "about, concerning", en)
  • torno (#1331, "en t. a: around", en)
  • debajo (#1366, "underneath, below", en)
  • salvo (#1522, "except for, but", en)
  • conforme (#1924, "in agreement with", en)
  • excepto (#2754, "except (for)", en)
  • él (#9, "he, [ellos] them (m)", en)
  • (#17, "me (obj prep)", en)
  • lo (#18, "[3rd person] (dir obj-m)", en)
  • me (#22, "me (obj)", en)
  • le (#25, "[3rd person] (indir obj)", en)
  • se (#27, "[“reflexive” marker]", en)
  • yo (#28, "I (subj)", en)
  • ti (#47, "you (obj prep-sg/+fam)", en)
  • te (#48, "you (obj/+fam)", en)
  • qué (#50, "what?, which?, how (+ADJ)!", en)
  • nos (#52, "us (obj)", en)
  • eso (#56, "that (n)", en)
  • la (#61, "[3rd person] (dir obj-f)", en)
  • ella (#72, "she, [ellas] them (f)", en)
  • nada (#87, "nothing, (not) at all", en)
  • algo (#110, "something, somewhat", en)
  • esto (#111, "this (n)", en)
  • usted (#113, "you (subj/–fam)", en)
  • quien (#132, "who, whom", en)
  • cual (#148, "which, who, whom", en)
  • nosotros (#165, "we (subj)", en)
  • (#184, "you (subj-sg/+fam)", en)
  • nadie (#206, "nobody, anybody", en)
  • quién (#289, "who?, whom?", en)
  • cuyo (#305, "whose", en)
  • alguien (#346, "somebody, someone, anyone", en)
  • ello (#391, "it (subj-n)", en)
  • cuál (#445, "which?", en)
  • éste (#485, "this one (m), [ésta (f)]", en)
  • vos (#517, "you (subj-sg/+fam)", en)
  • mío (#676, "mine", en)
  • os (#695, "you (obj-pl/+fam)", en)
  • suyo (#1002, "his, hers, yours (−fam), theirs", en)
  • aquello (#1094, "that over there (n)", en)
  • conmigo (#1256, "with me", en)
  • ése (#1590, "that one (m), [ésa (f)]", en)
  • tuyo (#1717, "yours (sg/+fam)", en)
  • vosotros (#2202, "you (subj-pl/+fam)", en)
  • contigo (#2513, "with you", en)
  • aquél (#3185, "that one over there (m)", en)

Lexical words
