ดูเพิ่ม: yu, , , และ




  • คำอ่านภาษาไทย: อวี้



พินอิน (yù)

  1. – and; with; to; for; give, grant
  2. – take charge of, control, manage; officer
  3. – metaphor
  4. – metaphor, analogy; example; like
  5. – district, region, boundary; land
  6. – ground, fertile land
  7. – 4 walls; Short form for Austria (墺太利) in Japanese
  8. , – mysterious, obscure, profound
  9. – old woman, hag
  10. – old woman, hag
  11. – residence; lodge; dwell
  12. – monopolize, take sole possession
  13. – valley, ravine
  14. – luxuriant, elegant
  15. – refined, cultured, polished
  16. – drive, ride; chariot; manage
  17. – happy
  18. – regret, be sorry; alarmed
  19. – more and more, even more
  20. – lust, desire, passion; appetite
  21. – or, either, else; perhaps, maybe
  22. – bright light, sunlight; dazzling
  23. – branch, fork; tray
  24. – thorny shrub with yellow flowers; a kind of oak
  25. – luxuriant; dense, thick; moody
  26. – desire, want, long for; intend
  27. – give birth to; bring up, educate
  28. – run swiftly
  29. – bathe, wash; bath
  30. – ditch
  31. – fareshare reclaimed from river
  32. – place in Sichuan
  33. – bright; flame
  34. – bright, shining, brilliant
  35. – shine, illumine, reflect
  36. – bright and sparkling
  37. – blaze
  38. – warm; warmth
  39. , – prison, jail; case; lawsuit
  40. – devil
  41. – black
  42. – jade, precious stone, gem
  43. – get well, recover
  44. – get well, recover
  45. – bore with awl; bright, charming
  46. – defend, resist, hold out against
  47. – pray; entreat, beg, plead; prayer
  48. – trousseau
  49. – Guangdong and Guangxi provinces; initial particle
  50. – seam
  51. – rope
  52. – drag–net made of fine mesh
  53. – penalty, fine; punish, penalize
  54. – writing brush, pencil; thereupon
  55. – pen; radical number 129
  56. – produce, give birth to; educate
  57. – mother's brother, uncle
  58. – taro
  59. – pasture, park, garden; mansion
  60. – yam
  61. – yam
  62. – vine
  63. – edible fern
  64. – a fabulous creature like a turtle; a toad
  65. – frog, toad
  66. – lane; alley
  67. – public office; official residence
  68. – abundant, rich, plentiful
  69. – fame, reputation; praise
  70. – criticize, scold, blame, ridicule
  71. – proclaim, instruct; edict
  72. – fame, reputation; praise
  73. – language, words;saying, expression
  74. – proclaim, instruct; edict
  75. – accuse falsely; slander, libel
  76. – relaxed, comfortable, at ease
  77. 輿 – cart, palanquin; public opinion
  78. – doctrinaire, abstruse, unrealistic
  79. – meet, come across, encounter
  80. – comply with, obey; shun, avoid
  81. – sweet smelling, rich in aroma
  82. – rare treasure
  83. – a poker; brass filings; to file
  84. – rare treasure
  85. – block, obstruct, stop up, conceal
  86. , – threshold; separated, confined
  87. – block, obstruct, stop up
  88. – profound, subtle; warm; sunny
  89. – offer sacrifice for rain
  90. – cloud
  91. – prepare, arrange; in advance
  92. – prepare, arrange; in advance
  93. – surfeited, satiated; confer
  94. – to eat too much, surfeited; to confer
  95. – surfeited, satiated; confer
  96. – drive, ride; manage, control
  97. – black horses
  98. – drive, ride; manage, control
  99. , – luxuriant; dense, thick; moody
  100. – sell; child, childish; nourish
  101. – a mythical creature said hurl san
  102. 鳿
  103. , – swoop
  104. – mynah bird
  105. – snipe, kingfisher
  106. – myna; manah
  107. – snipe, kingfisher
  108. – beg, appeal for help
  109. – gown, long dress
  110. – officer, military rank