ดัชนี:ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.1-6/B
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
แก้ไข- baboon
- baby
- bachelor
- back
- backache
- backbone
- background
- backward
- bacon
- bad
- badminton
- bag
- baht
- bake
- baker
- bakery
- balance
- balcony
- bale fruit
- balk
- ball
- balloon
- ballpoint pen
- balm
- bamboo
- bamboo shoot
- ban
- banana
- band
- bandage
- bank
- banker
- bankrupt
- bar
- barber
- barber shop
- bare
- barge
- bark
- barn
- barometer
- base
- baseball
- basic
- basin
- basket
- basketball
- bat
- bath
- bath cream
- bathe
- bath mat
- bathroom
- bathtub
- battle
- bawl
- be
- beach
- bead
- beak
- bean
- bean sprout
- bear
- beard
- beast
- beat
- beautiful
- beauty
- beaver
- because
- become
- bed
- bedroom
- bedspread
- bedtime
- bee
- beef
- been
- beer
- beetle
- before
- beg
- beggar
- begin
- behave
- behind
- being
- belike
- bell
- bell pepper
- belly
- belong
- belong to
- beloved
- below
- belt
- bench
- bend
- benefit
- beseech
- beside
- best
- betray
- better
- between
- bicycle
- bid
- big
- bike
- bill
- billion
- bin
- bind
- binocular
- bird
- birth
- birthday
- biscuit
- bishop
- bison
- bite
- bitter
- bitter gourd
- black
- blackboard
- blade
- blame
- blank
- blanket
- blaze
- blend
- blender
- bless
- blind
- blink
- block
- bloom
- blossom
- blouse
- blow
- blow down
- blue
- blueberry
- blunt
- boa
- boar
- board
- boat
- body
- boil
- boiled egg
- bold
- bolster
- bomb
- bone
- bonfire
- bonus
- book
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- bookstore
- booth
- boots
- border
- bore
- bored
- boring
- born
- borrow
- bosom
- boss
- both
- bother
- bottle
- bottom
- bough
- bowl
- bowling
- box
- boxer
- boxing
- boy
- boy scout
- brain
- brake
- branch
- brass
- brave
- bread
- breadfruit
- break
- breakfast
- breath
- breathe
- breed
- bribe
- brick
- bridge
- bright
- bring
- brink
- broad
- broccoli
- brook
- broom
- brother
- brow
- brown
- brown sugar
- bruise
- brush
- bubble
- bubble gum
- bucket
- bud
- Buddha
- buddha image
- buddha room
- Buddhism
- Buddhist
- Buddhist holiday
- buffalo
- bug
- build
- building
- bulb
- bull
- bullet
- bullfrog
- bump
- bun
- bunch
- bundle
- bunny
- burn
- burrow
- burst
- bus
- bus driver
- bush
- business
- businessman
- bus station
- bus stop
- busy
- but
- butcher
- butchery
- butter
- butterfly
- button
- buy
- buzz
- buzzard
- by
- bye