ดัชนี:ภาษาอังกฤษ ป.1-6/H
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
แก้ไข- habit
- hack
- had
- had to
- hail
- hailstone
- hair
- haircut
- hairdesser
- hairdo
- hale
- half
- halfway
- hall
- ham
- hamburger
- hammer
- hand
- handbag
- handbook
- handcart
- handful
- handgun
- handicraft
- handkerchief
- handle
- handling
- handmade
- handsome
- handwrite
- handwriting
- hang
- hangman
- hank
- hapless
- haply
- happen
- happiness
- happy
- harbour
- hard
- hard working
- hare
- harm
- harmful
- harmless
- harmony
- harvest
- has
- haste
- has to
- hat
- hatch
- hate
- have
- have to
- hawk
- hawker
- hay
- he
- head
- headache
- health
- health centre
- healthy
- hear
- heart
- heat
- heave
- heaven
- heavy
- heel
- height
- helicopter
- hell
- hello
- helmet
- help
- helpful
- hen
- heptagon
- her
- herb
- herd
- herder
- here
- hermit
- hero
- heroine
- heron
- hers
- hesitate
- hexagon
- hey
- hi
- hide
- hide and seek
- high
- highland
- high school
- highway
- hijack
- hike
- hill
- hilly
- him
- hint
- hip
- hippopotamus
- hire
- his
- history
- hit
- hive
- hobby
- hog
- hold
- holder
- hold up
- hole
- holiday
- hollow
- holy
- home
- homework
- honest
- honestly
- honey
- honk
- honour
- hood
- hoof
- hook
- hop
- hope
- hopeful
- hopeless
- hopscotch
- horizon
- horn
- hornet
- horrible
- horse
- horse ridding
- horseshoe
- hospital
- host
- hot
- hotel
- hot water
- hour
- house
- housekeeper
- housewife
- housework
- housing
- how
- however
- hug
- huge
- human
- humidity
- humorous
- humour
- hump
- hunchback
- hundred
- hundred thousand
- hunger
- hungry
- hunt
- hunter
- hurry
- hurt
- husband
- hush
- hut
- hyphen