This module will transliterate text in one of the กลุ่มภาษาCircassian. It is also used to transliterate อะดีเกยา and คาบาร์เดีย. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:cau-cir-translit/testcases.

tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local export = {}
local GRAVE, ACUTE, CIRC, MACRON, BREVE, CARON, DOTBELOW = mw.ustring.char(0x300), mw.ustring.char(0x301), mw.ustring.char(0x302), mw.ustring.char(0x304), mw.ustring.char(0x306), mw.ustring.char(0x30C), mw.ustring.char(0x323)

local tt = {
	["а"] = "a", ["б"] = "b", ["в"] = "v", ["г"] = "ɣ", ["д"] = "d", ["е"] = "e", ["ё"] = "jo", ["ж"] = "ž", ["з"] = "z", ["и"] = "i", ["й"] = "j", ["к"] = "k", ["л"] = "l", ["м"] = "m", ["н"] = "n", ["о"] = "o", ["п"] = "p", ["р"] = "r", ["с"] = "s", ["т"] = "t", ["у"] = "u", ["ф"] = "f", ["х"] = "x", ["ц"] = "c", ["ч"] = "č", ["ш"] = "š", ["щ"] = "ś", ["ъ"] = "", ["ы"] = "ə", ["ь"] = "ʲ", ["э"] = "ɛ", ["ю"] = "jəw", ["я"] = "ja", ["ӏ"] = "ʼ",
	["А"] = "A", ["Б"] = "B", ["В"] = "V", ["Г"] = "Ɣ", ["Д"] = "D", ["Е"] = "E", ["Ё"] = "Jo", ["Ж"] = "Ž", ["З"] = "Z", ["И"] = "I", ["Й"] = "J", ["К"] = "K", ["Л"] = "L", ["М"] = "M", ["Н"] = "N", ["О"] = "O", ["П"] = "P", ["Р"] = "R", ["С"] = "S", ["Т"] = "T", ["У"] = "U", ["Ф"] = "F", ["Х"] = "X", ["Ц"] = "C", ["Ч"] = "Č", ["Ш"] = "Š", ["Щ"] = "Ś", ["Ъ"] = "", ["Ы"] = "Ə", ["Ь"] = "ʲ", ["Э"] = "Ɛ", ["Ю"] = "Jəw", ["Я"] = "Ja", ["Ӏ"] = "ʼ"

local digraphs = {
	["го"] = "gʷo", ["гу"] = "gʷu", ["гъ"] = "ğ", ["гь"] = "gʲ", ["жъ"] = "ẑ", ["жь"] = "ź", ["ко"] = "kʷo", ["ку"] = "kʷu", ["къ"] = "q", ["кӏ"] = "kʼ", ["лъ"] = "lˢ", ["ль"] = "lᶻ", ["лӏ"] = "lˢʼ", ["пӏ"] = "pʼ", ["сӏ"] = "sʼ", ["тӏ"] = "tʼ", ["фӏ"] = "fʼ", ["хо"] = "xʷo", ["ху"] = "xʷu", ["хъ"] = "χ", ["хь"] = "ḥ", ["цо"] = "cʷo", ["цу"] = "cʷu", ["цӏ"] = "cʼ", ["чъ"] = "ĉ", ["чӏ"] = "ĉʼ", ["шъ"] = "ŝ", ["шӏ"] = "šʼ", ["щӏ"] = "śʼ",
	["Го"] = "Gʷo", ["Гу"] = "Gʷu", ["Гъ"] = "Ğ", ["Гь"] = "Gʲ", ["Жъ"] = "Ẑ", ["Жь"] = "Ź", ["Ко"] = "Kʷo", ["Ку"] = "Kʷu", ["Къ"] = "Q", ["Кӏ"] = "Kʼ", ["Лъ"] = "Lˢ", ["Ль"] = "Lᶻ", ["Лӏ"] = "Lˢʼ", ["Пӏ"] = "Pʼ", ["Сӏ"] = "Sʼ", ["Тӏ"] = "Tʼ", ["Фӏ"] = "Fʼ", ["Хо"] = "Xʷo", ["Ху"] = "Xʷu", ["Хъ"] = "Χ", ["Хь"] = "Ḥ", ["Цо"] = "Cʷo", ["Цу"] = "Cʷu", ["Цӏ"] = "Cʼ", ["Чъ"] = "Ĉ", ["Чӏ"] = "Ĉʼ", ["Шъ"] = "Ŝ", ["Шӏ"] = "Šʼ", ["Щӏ"] = "Śʼ"

-- Prevents overlapping substitutions (e.g. "лӏо"), and also ensures labialized consonants can be substituted before determining where "j" is placed in relation to "е" and "и".
local digraphs2 = {
	["jе"] = "je", ["jи"] = "ji", ["wо"] = "wo", ["wу"] = "wu", ["ӏо"] = "ʼwo", ["ӏу"] = "ʼwu",
	["Jе"] = "Je", ["Jи"] = "Ji", ["Wо"] = "Wo", ["Wу"] = "Wu", ["Ӏо"] = "ʼWo", ["Ӏу"] = "ʼWu"

local trigraphs = {
	["гъо"] = "ğʷo", ["гъу"] = "ğʷu", ["дзо"] = "dzʷo", ["дзу"] = "dzʷu", ["жъо"] = "žʷo", ["жъу"] = "žʷu", ["кхъ"] = "qχ", ["къо"] = "qʷo", ["къу"] = "qʷu", ["къӏ"] = "qʼ", ["кӏо"] = "kʷʼo", ["кӏу"] = "kʷʼu", ["пӏо"] = "pʷʼo", ["пӏу"] = "pʷʼu", ["тлӏ"] = "tˡʼ", ["тӏо"] = "tʷʼo", ["тӏу"] = "tʷʼu", ["хъо"] = "χʷo", ["хъу"] = "χʷu", ["чъо"] = "ćʷo", ["чъу"] = "ćʷu", ["шъо"] = "šʷo", ["шъу"] = "šʷu", ["шӏо"] = "šʷʼo", ["шӏу"] = "šʷʼu",
	["Гъо"] = "Ğʷo", ["Гъу"] = "Ğʷu", ["Дзо"] = "Dzʷo", ["Дзу"] = "Dzʷu", ["Жъо"] = "Žʷo", ["Жъу"] = "Žʷu", ["Кхъ"] = "Qχ", ["Къо"] = "Qʷo", ["Къу"] = "Qʷu", ["Къӏ"] = "Qʼ", ["Кӏо"] = "Kʷʼo", ["Кӏу"] = "Kʷʼu", ["Пӏо"] = "Pʷʼo", ["Пӏу"] = "Pʷʼu", ["тлӏ"] = "tˡʼ", ["Тӏо"] = "Tʷʼo", ["Тӏу"] = "Tʷʼu", ["Хъо"] = "Χʷo", ["Хъу"] = "Χʷu", ["Чъо"] = "Ćʷo", ["Чъу"] = "Ćʷu", ["Шъо"] = "Šʷo", ["Шъу"] = "Šʷu", ["Шӏо"] = "Šʷʼo", ["Шӏу"] = "Šʷʼu"

local tetragraphs = {
	["кхъо"] = "qχʷo", ["кхъу"] = "qχʷu",
	["Кхъо"] = "Qχʷo", ["Кхъу"] = "Qχʷu"

function, lang, sc)
	local UTF8_char = "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*"
	-- Convert uppercase palochka to lowercase, along with any "false" palochkas (entered as Latin "I" or "l", or Cyrillic "І"). Lowercase palochka is found in tables above.
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "[IlІӀ]", "ӏ")
	for tetragraph, replacement in pairs(tetragraphs) do
		text = text:gsub(tetragraph, replacement)
	for trigraph, replacement in pairs(trigraphs) do
		text = text:gsub(trigraph, replacement)
	for digraph, replacement in pairs(digraphs) do
		text = text:gsub(digraph, replacement)
	-- Contextual addition of "j" before "е" and "и", and "w" before "о" and "у". NOTE: These break with string.gsub, so must use mw.ustring.gsub.
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.toNFC(text), "^([еи])", "j%1")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "^([ЕИ])", function(a) return "J" .. mw.ustring.lower(a) end)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([ouаеёиоуыэюяOUАЕЁИОУЫЭЮЯ%s%p])([еи])", "%1j%2")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%s%p])([ЕИ])", function(a, b) return a .. "J" .. mw.ustring.lower(b) end)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "^([оу])", "w%1")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "^([ОУ])", function(a) return "W" .. mw.ustring.lower(a) end)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([ouаеёиоуыэюяOUАЕЁИОУЫЭЮЯ%s%p])([оу])", "%1w%2")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%s%p])([ОУ])", function(a, b) return a .. "W" .. mw.ustring.lower(b) end)
	for digraph, replacement in pairs(digraphs2) do
		text = text:gsub(digraph, replacement)
	text = text:gsub(UTF8_char, tt)
	-- Remove epenthetic vowel for labialized consonants if before a non-iotated, non-labialized vowel.
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "u([aeiouəɛ])", "%1")
	-- Reposition apostrophes then decompose.
	text = mw.ustring.toNFD(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(text, "ʼʲ", "ʲʼ"), "ʼʷ", "ʷʼ"))
	-- When double letters both have a modifier letter and/or an apostrophe, only show on the second for readability purposes.
	for letter in ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxzəɛɣχABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXZƏƐƔΧ"):gmatch(UTF8_char) do
		text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, letter .. "([" .. GRAVE .. ACUTE .. CIRC .. MACRON .. BREVE .. CARON .. DOTBELOW .. "]?)([ʲˡˢᶻ]?ʲ?ʼ?)" .. mw.ustring.lower(letter) .. "%1%2", letter .. "%1" .. mw.ustring.lower(letter) .. "%1%2")
	-- Remove consecutive j/ʲ and w/ʷ then recompose.
	return mw.ustring.toNFC(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(text, "ʲ?([Jj])ʲ?", "%1"), "ʷ?([Ww])ʷ?", "%1"))

return export