แม่แบบ:new entry/documentation
New editors can use this template to generate entries in languages with less infrastructure. Use this template only with subst:.
Parameter | Function |
1= | Either the language code or the language name |
2= | The part of speech |
3= | The definition, without [[]] or capitalization or "to" - just the word! You may wish to make more than one definition, and if you do, do it like you normally might and use # for all the definitions but the first. |
alt= | Optional. Add the content of an 'Alternative forms' section (preferably using * before each linked term). |
ety= | Optional. Add the content of an etymology section (preferably using {{etyl}} and {{term}} , or maybe {{compound}} ).
pron= | Optional. Just give the IPA pronunciation. |
more= | Optional. The name of another L3 section (like 'See also', 'Synonyms', or 'Derived terms'). moreis= must be defined for this to work. |
moreis= | Optional. The content of another L3 section (including all formatting). Interwikis and other miscellanea can go here as well. |
&more= | Optional. Works just like more=, along with &moreis=, which works just like moreis=. |
cat= | Optional. A topical category within the language (just give the category name, like 'Foods' or 'Clothing'). |