-- TODO needs a complete redesign
local export = {}
local columns_module = "Module:columns"
local table_module = "Module:table"
local require = require
local tostring = tostring
Loaders for functions in other modules, which overwrite themselves with the target function when called. This ensures modules are only loaded when needed, retains the speed/convenience of locally-declared pre-loaded functions, and has no overhead after the first call, since the target functions are called directly in any subsequent calls.]==]
local function columns_display_from(...)
columns_display_from = require(columns_module).display_from
return columns_display_from(...)
local function shallow_copy(...)
shallow_copy = require(table_module).shallowCopy
return shallow_copy(...)
local function table_len(...)
table_len = require(table_module).length
return table_len(...)
function export.display_from(column_args, list_args)
column_args = shallow_copy(column_args)
local columns = column_args.columns
if columns == nil then
local number_of_items = table_len(list_args)
columns = number_of_items <= 3 and 1 or
number_of_items <= 9 and 2 or
number_of_items <= 27 and 3 or
number_of_items <= 81 and 4 or
column_args.columns = tostring(columns)
return columns_display_from(column_args, list_args)
function export.display(frame)
return export.display_from(frame.args, frame:getParent().args)
return export