มอดูล:category tree/topic cat/data/วิทยาศาสตร์

local labels = {}

labels["วิทยาศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default with the",
	parents = {"หัวข้อทั้งหมด"},
labels["sciences"] = labels["วิทยาศาสตร์"]

labels["ความเร่ง"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["acceleration"] = labels["ความเร่ง"]

labels["สวนศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "ฟิสิกส์", "sound"},
labels["acoustics"] = labels["สวนศาสตร์"]

labels["คำคุณศัพท์ (หัวข้อ)"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วจีวิภาค"},
labels["adjectives"] = labels["คำคุณศัพท์ (หัวข้อ)"]

labels["อากาศยานศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["aeronautics"] = labels["อากาศยานศาสตร์"]

labels["aerospace"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "อวกาศ", "อวกาศยานศาสตร์", "อากาศยานศาสตร์"},

labels["เกษตรกรรม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"},
labels["agriculture"] = labels["เกษตรกรรม"]

labels["การเล่นแร่แปรธาตุ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"forteana", "วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},
labels["alchemy"] = labels["การเล่นแร่แปรธาตุ"]

labels["แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},
labels["alternative medicine"] = labels["แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก"]

labels["เคมีวิเคราะห์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},
labels["analytical chemistry"] = labels["เคมีวิเคราะห์"]

labels["กายวิภาคศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[anatomy]], the study of the [[body]] and its parts.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ส่วนของร่างกาย}}",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["anatomy"] = labels["กายวิภาคศาสตร์"]

-- AKA บุรุษเวชวิทยา, วิทยาเพศชาย
labels["บุรุษเวชศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "เพศชาย"},
labels["andrology"] = labels["บุรุษเวชศาสตร์"]

labels["มานุษยวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[anthropology]], the study of [[human]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:มนุษย์}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา", "สังคมศาสตร์"},
labels["anthropology"] = labels["มานุษยวิทยา"]

labels["anti-gravity"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"fictional abilities", "ความโน้มถ่วง", "science fiction", "space access"},

labels["วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["applied sciences"] = labels["วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"]

labels["วิทยาแมงมุม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[arachnology]], the study of [[spider]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:แมงมุม}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา", "วิทยาสัตว์ขาปล้อง"},
labels["arachnology"] = labels["วิทยาแมงมุม"]

labels["โบราณคดี"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"มานุษยวิทยา", "วิทยาศาสตร์"},
	commonscat = true,
	wpcat = true,
labels["archaeology"] = labels["โบราณคดี"]

labels["architectural elements"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"สถาปัตยกรรม"},

labels["สถาปัตยกรรม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "ศิลปะ"},
labels["architecture"] = labels["สถาปัตยกรรม"]

labels["วิทยาสัตว์ขาปล้อง"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[arthropodology]], the study of [[arthropod]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สัตว์ขาปล้อง}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},
labels["arthropodology"] = labels["วิทยาสัตว์ขาปล้อง"]

labels["ปัญญาประดิษฐ์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์", "ไซเบอร์เนติกส์"},
labels["artificial intelligence"] = labels["ปัญญาประดิษฐ์"]

labels["ดาวเรียงเด่น"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์"},
labels["asterisms"] = labels["ดาวเรียงเด่น"]

labels["อวกาศยานศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "อวกาศ"},
labels["astronautics"] = labels["อวกาศยานศาสตร์"]

labels["ดาราศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[astronomy]], the study of [[stars]] and other [[celestial bodies]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:เทห์ฟากฟ้า}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "อวกาศ"},
labels["astronomy"] = labels["ดาราศาสตร์"]

labels["ฟิสิกส์ดาราศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์", "ดาราศาสตร์"},
labels["astrophysics"] = labels["ฟิสิกส์ดาราศาสตร์"]

labels["การบิน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"อากาศยานศาสตร์", "การคมนาคม"},
labels["aviation"] = labels["การบิน"]

labels["avionics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"อากาศยานศาสตร์", "อิเล็กทรอนิกส์"},

labels["อายุรเวท"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก", "อินเดีย"},
labels["Ayurveda"] = labels["อายุรเวท"]

labels["วิทยาแบคทีเรีย"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[bacteriology]], the study of [[bacteria]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:แบคทีเรีย}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "จุลชีววิทยา"},
labels["bacteriology"] = labels["วิทยาแบคทีเรีย"]

-- AKA ความเอนเอียง, ความลำเอียง, ไบแอส
labels["อคติ"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms for [[bias|biases]], [[inclination]]s of views towards [[inaccurate]] [[representation]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:เหตุผลวิบัติ|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:Forms of discrimination}}",
	parents = {"จิตวิทยา", "สถิติศาสตร์"},
labels["biases"] = labels["อคติ"]

labels["ชีวเคมี"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี", "ชีววิทยา"},
labels["biochemistry"] = labels["ชีวเคมี"]

labels["ชีววิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[biology]], the study of [[life]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สิ่งมีชีวิต}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["biology"] = labels["ชีววิทยา"]

labels["black holes"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์", "ฟิสิกส์ดาราศาสตร์", "ความโน้มถ่วง", "relativity"},

labels["พฤกษศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=[[botany]], the study of [[plants]]",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:พืช}}",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["botany"] = labels["พฤกษศาสตร์"]

labels["ไบรโอโลยี"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[bryology]], the study of [[moss]]es and other lower plants.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:มอสส์}}",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "พฤกษศาสตร์"},
labels["bryology"] = labels["ไบรโอโลยี"]

-- AKA วิทยาหัวใจ, วิทยาโรคหัวใจ
labels["หทัยวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[cardiology]], the study of the [[heart]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["cardiology"] = labels["หทัยวิทยา"]

labels["carpentry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"การก่อสร้าง", "woodworking"},

labels["การทำแผนที่"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ภูมิศาสตร์"},
labels["cartography"] = labels["การทำแผนที่"]

labels["วิศวกรรมเคมี"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "เคมี"},
labels["chemical engineering"] = labels["วิศวกรรมเคมี"]

labels["สูตรเคมี"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},
labels["chemical formulae"] = labels["สูตรเคมี"]

labels["chemical reactions"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},

labels["chemical reagents"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},

labels["เคมี"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["chemistry"] = labels["เคมี"]

labels["ดาราศาสตร์จีน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์"},
labels["Chinese astronomy"] = labels["ดาราศาสตร์จีน"]

labels["Chinese phonetics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"สัทศาสตร์", "Chinese"},

labels["กลศาสตร์ดั้งเดิม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"กลศาสตร์"},
labels["classical mechanics"] = labels["กลศาสตร์ดั้งเดิม"]

labels["ศิลปะคลาสสิก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์", "วรรณกรรม", "ประวัติศาสตร์"},
labels["classical studies"] = labels["ศิลปะคลาสสิก"]

labels["ภูมิอากาศวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[climatology]], the study of [[climate]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"},
labels["climatology"] = labels["ภูมิอากาศวิทยา"]

labels["จิตวิทยาคลินิก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"จิตวิทยา", "พยาธิวิทยา"},
labels["clinical psychology"] = labels["จิตวิทยาคลินิก"]

labels["ภาษาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์", "วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"},
labels["computational linguistics"] = labels["ภาษาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์"]

labels["วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "การคอมพิวเตอร์"},
labels["computer science"] = labels["วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"]

labels["conchology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[conchology]], the study of mollusc [[shell]]s.",
	parents = {"malacology"},

labels["กลุ่มดาว"] = {
	type = "name",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์"},
labels["constellations"] = labels["กลุ่มดาว"]

labels["กลุ่มดาวในจักรราศี"] = {
	type = "name",
	description = "=the ring of [[constellations]] that line the [[ecliptic]], the apparent path of the [[Sun]] across the [[celestial sphere]] over the course of a year",
	parents = {"กลุ่มดาว", "โหราศาสตร์"},
labels["constellations in the zodiac"] = labels["กลุ่มดาวในจักรราศี"]

labels["การก่อสร้าง"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "สถาปัตยกรรม"},
labels["construction"] = labels["การก่อสร้าง"]

labels["จักรวาลวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[cosmology]], the study of the [[universe]].",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์"},
labels["cosmology"] = labels["จักรวาลวิทยา"]

labels["อาชญาวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[criminology]], the study of [[crime]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:อาชญากรรม}}",
	parents = {"สังคมวิทยา", "อาชญากรรม"},
labels["criminology"] = labels["อาชญาวิทยา"]

labels["วิทยาการเข้ารหัสลับ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์รูปนัย", "คณิตศาสตร์", "วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"},
labels["cryptography"] = labels["วิทยาการเข้ารหัสลับ"]

labels["cryptozoology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[cryptozoology]], the [[pseudoscientific]] study of mythological creatures.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:Mythological creatures}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา", "forteana"},

labels["ผลิกศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์", "วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["crystallography"] = labels["ผลิกศาสตร์"]

labels["มานุษยวิทยาวัฒนธรรม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"มานุษยวิทยา", "วัฒนธรรม"},
labels["cultural anthropology"] = labels["มานุษยวิทยาวัฒนธรรม"]

labels["ไซเบอร์เนติกส์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"คณิตศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "ทฤษฎีระบบ"},
labels["cybernetics"] = labels["ไซเบอร์เนติกส์"]

labels["วิทยาเซลล์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[cytology]], the study of cell biology, cell structure, formation, classification and related topics.",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["cytology"] = labels["วิทยาเซลล์"]

labels["การจัดการข้อมูล"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาการสารสนเทศ", "วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"},
labels["data management"] = labels["การจัดการข้อมูล"]

labels["demarcation lines"] = {
	type = "name",
	description = "=political [[demarcation line]]s",
	parents = {"การเมือง"},

labels["decision theory"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"probability theory", "ญาณวิทยา"},

labels["ประชากรศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "สถิติศาสตร์"},
labels["demography"] = labels["ประชากรศาสตร์"]

labels["ทันตแพทยศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "ฟัน"},
labels["dentistry"] = labels["ทันตแพทยศาสตร์"]

-- AKA วิทยาผิวหนัง, วิทยาโรคผิวหนัง
labels["ตัจวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[dermatology]], the study of the [[skin]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ผิวหนัง}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["dermatology"] = labels["ตัจวิทยา"]

labels["ชีววิทยาการเจริญ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[developmental biology]], the study of the [[development]] of [[lifeform]]s.",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["developmental biology"] = labels["ชีววิทยาการเจริญ"]

labels["วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["earth sciences"] = labels["วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"]

labels["วิศวกรรมแผ่นดินไหว"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},
labels["earthquake engineering"] = labels["วิศวกรรมแผ่นดินไหว"]

labels["นิเวศวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ecology]], the study of interaction between [[life]] and its environment.",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["ecology"] = labels["นิเวศวิทยา"]

labels["เศรษฐศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[economics]], the study of the [[economy]].",
	parents = {"สังคมศาสตร์"},
labels["economics"] = labels["เศรษฐศาสตร์"]

labels["electrencephalography"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[electrencephalography]], the electrical measurement of the [[brain]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สมอง}}",
	parents = {"ประสาทวิทยาศาสตร์"},

labels["วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "ไฟฟ้า"},
labels["electrical engineering"] = labels["วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า"]

labels["ไฟฟ้า"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แม่เหล็กไฟฟ้า"},
labels["electricity"] = labels["ไฟฟ้า"]

labels["electrocardiography"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"หทัยวิทยา"},

labels["พลศาสตร์ไฟฟ้า"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"แม่เหล็กไฟฟ้า"},
labels["electrodynamics"] = labels["พลศาสตร์ไฟฟ้า"]

labels["แม่เหล็กไฟฟ้า"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["electromagnetism"] = labels["แม่เหล็กไฟฟ้า"]

-- AKA วิทยาเอ็มบริโอ
labels["คัพภวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[embryology]], the study of the [[embryo]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "ชีววิทยาการเจริญ", "แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["embryology"] = labels["คัพภวิทยา"]

labels["emergency medicine"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

-- AKA วิทยาเอนโดไครน์
labels["วิทยาต่อมไร้ท่อ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[endocrinology]], the study of [[hormones]] and the [[endocrine system]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ฮอร์โมน}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["endocrinology"] = labels["วิทยาต่อมไร้ท่อ"]

labels["วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "เทคโนโลยี"},
labels["engineering"] = labels["วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"]

labels["enterprise engineering"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},

labels["กีฏวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[entomology]], the study of [[insect]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:แมลง}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา", "วิทยาสัตว์ขาปล้อง"},
labels["entomology"] = labels["กีฏวิทยา"]

-- AKA ระบาดวิทยา (ผิดหลักสมาส)
labels["วิทยาการระบาด"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[epidemiology]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["epidemiology"] = labels["วิทยาการระบาด"]

labels["ชาติพันธุ์วรรณนา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"มานุษยวิทยา"},
labels["ethnography"] = labels["ชาติพันธุ์วรรณนา"]

labels["ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ethnology]], the study of [[people]]s.",
	parents = {"มานุษยวิทยา"},
labels["ethnology"] = labels["ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา"]

labels["พฤติกรรมวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ethology]], the study of [[animal]] [[behaviour]].",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},
labels["ethology"] = labels["พฤติกรรมวิทยา"]

labels["ทฤษฎีวิวัฒนาการ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["evolutionary theory"] = labels["ทฤษฎีวิวัฒนาการ"]

labels["flat earth"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used by believers in a flat earth or related to the concept.",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},

labels["flax"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เกษตรกรรม", "Malpighiales order plants"},

labels["พลศาสตร์ของไหล"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["fluid dynamics"] = labels["พลศาสตร์ของไหล"]

labels["วนศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"},
labels["forestry"] = labels["วนศาสตร์"]

labels["forteana"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have a [[Fortean]] element.",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},

labels["functional group prefixes"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมีอินทรีย์"},

labels["functional group suffixes"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมีอินทรีย์"},

labels["gardens"] = {
	type = "type",
	description = "=places where plants are grown",
	parents = {"home", "horticulture"},

labels["วิทยาทางเดินอาหาร"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[gastroenterology]], the study of the [[digestive system]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["gastroenterology"] = labels["วิทยาทางเดินอาหาร"]

labels["พันธุศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[genetics]], the study of [[gene]]s.",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["genetics"] = labels["พันธุศาสตร์"]

labels["ภูมิศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[geography]], the study of various phenomena found on [[Earth]]'s surface.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ธรณีสัณฐาน|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:องค์การทางการเมือง}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"},
labels["geography"] = labels["ภูมิศาสตร์"]

labels["geological periods"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},

labels["ธรณีวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[geology]], the study of the solid parts of [[Earth]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"},
labels["geology"] = labels["ธรณีวิทยา"]

labels["ธรณีสัณฐานวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[geomorphology]].",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},
labels["geomorphology"] = labels["ธรณีสัณฐานวิทยา"]

-- AKA ภูมิศาสตร์การเมือง (political geography)
labels["ภูมิรัฐศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภูมิศาสตร์", "การเมือง"},
labels["geopolitics"] = labels["ภูมิรัฐศาสตร์"]

labels["geospatial science"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"},

-- AKA พฤฒาวิทยา, เวชศาสตร์ผู้สูงอายุ, เวชศาสตร์คนชรา
labels["พฤฒวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[gerontology]], the study of [[aging]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:อายุ}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["gerontology"] = labels["พฤฒวิทยา"]

labels["ไวยากรณ์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},
labels["grammar"] = labels["ไวยากรณ์"]

labels["การก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ไวยากรณ์"},
labels["grammatical cases"] = labels["การก"]

labels["มาลา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ไวยากรณ์"},
labels["grammatical moods"] = labels["มาลา"]

-- AKA gravitation, แรงโน้มถ่วง
labels["ความโน้มถ่วง"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ความเร่ง", "ฟิสิกส์ดาราศาสตร์", "mechanics"},
labels["gravity"] = labels["ความโน้มถ่วง"]

-- AKA นรีเวชวิทยา, วิทยาเพศหญิง
labels["นรีเวชศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "เพศหญิง"},
labels["gynaecology"] = labels["นรีเวชศาสตร์"]

labels["helminthology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[helminthology]], the study of [[helminth]]s ([[parasitic]] [[worm#Noun|worms]]).",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:Flatworms}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},

labels["hematology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[hematology]], the study of [[blood]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["hepatology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[hepatology]], the study of the [[liver]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["herpetology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[herpetology]], the study of [[reptile]]s and amphibians.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สัตว์เลื้อยคลาน|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สัตว์สะเทินน้ำสะเทินบก}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},

labels["homeopathy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก"},

labels["horticulture"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เกษตรกรรม", "พฤกษศาสตร์"},

labels["อุทกสวนศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"สวนศาสตร์", "อุทกวิทยา"},
labels["hydroacoustics"] = labels["อุทกสวนศาสตร์"]

labels["hydrocarbon chain prefixes"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมีอินทรีย์"},

labels["hydrocarbon chain suffixes"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมีอินทรีย์"},

labels["อุทกวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[hydrology]], the study of [[water]], its movement and distribution.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:น้ำ}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก", "น้ำ"},
labels["hydrology"] = labels["อุทกวิทยา"]

labels["มีนวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ichthyology]], the study of [[fish]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ปลา}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},
labels["ichthyology"] = labels["มีนวิทยา"]

labels["immunochemistry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ชีวเคมี", "วิทยาภูมิคุ้มกัน"},

labels["วิทยาภูมิคุ้มกัน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[immunology]], the study of the [[immune system]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["immunology"] = labels["วิทยาภูมิคุ้มกัน"]

labels["Indo-European studies"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["วิทยาการสารสนเทศ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"},
labels["information science"] = labels["วิทยาการสารสนเทศ"]

labels["เคมีอนินทรีย์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},
labels["inorganic chemistry"] = labels["เคมีอนินทรีย์"]

labels["interdisciplinary fields"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},

labels["isolines"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"การทำแผนที่", "อุตุนิยมวิทยา"},

labels["Lagrange points"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"orbits"},

labels["lexicography"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["บรรณารักษศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "การศึกษา", "วิทยาการสารสนเทศ"},
labels["library science"] = labels["บรรณารักษศาสตร์"]

labels["lichenology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[lichenology]], the study of [[lichen]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ไลเคน}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาเห็ดรา", "phycology"},

labels["linguistic morphology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["ภาษาศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[linguistics]], the study and analysis of [[language]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ภาษา (หัวข้อ)}}",
	parents = {"ภาษา (หัวข้อ)", "สังคมศาสตร์"},
labels["linguistics"] = labels["ภาษาศาสตร์"]

labels["maize (crop)"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=[[maize]] (called [[corn]] in North America) as a crop",
	additional = "For terms related to maize as a food, see [[:หมวดหมู่:Maize (food)]] and for maize as a plant, see [[:หมวดหมู่:Maize (plant)]].",
	parents = {"เกษตรกรรม", "grains"},

labels["malacology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[malacology]], the study of [[mollusk]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:มอลลัสก์}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},

labels["mammalogy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[mammalogy]], the study of [[mammal]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สัตว์เลี้ยงลูกด้วนน้ำนม}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},

labels["marine biology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[marine biology]], the study of [[life]] in the [[sea]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},

labels["masonry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"การก่อสร้าง"},

labels["materials science"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},

labels["mechanical engineering"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},

labels["กลศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["mechanics"] = labels["กลศาสตร์"]

labels["เวชพันธุศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "พันธุศาสตร์"},
labels["medical genetics"] = labels["เวชพันธุศาสตร์"]

-- AKA เวชศาสตร์
labels["แพทยศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that pertain to the the science and practice of [[medicine]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "ชีววิทยา"},
labels["medicine"] = labels["แพทยศาสตร์"]

labels["metamaterials"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["อุตุนิยมวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[meteorology]], the study of [[weather]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สภาพอากาศ}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก", "บรรยากาศ"},
labels["meteorology"] = labels["อุตุนิยมวิทยา"]

labels["มาตรวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[metrology]], the science of [[measure|measuring]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์"},
labels["metrology"] = labels["มาตรวิทยา"]

labels["จุลชีววิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[microbiology]], the study of [[life]] at [[microscopic]] scales, too small for the [[human]] [[eye]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["microbiology"] = labels["จุลชีววิทยา"]

labels["microscopy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[microscopy]], the field of using [[microscopes]] for study.",
	parents = {"ทัศนศาสตร์", "จุลชีววิทยา"},

labels["วิทยาแร่"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[mineralogy]], the study of [[mineral]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:แร่}}",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},
labels["mineralogy"] = labels["วิทยาแร่"]

labels["molecular biology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[molecular biology]], the study of the [[molecules]] found in [[life]], their functions and effects.",
	parents = {"ชีวเคมี", "ชีววิทยา", "พันธุศาสตร์"},

labels["วิทยาเห็ดรา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[mycology]], the study of [[fungi]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:เห็ดรา}}",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["mycology"] = labels["วิทยาเห็ดรา"]

labels["NASA"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the US space program",
	parents = {"อวกาศยานศาสตร์", "การบิน"},

labels["nephrology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[nephrology]], the study of the [[kidney]]s.",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["ประสาทกายวิภาคศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[neuroanatomy]], the study of the structure and organization of the [[nervous system]].",
	parents = {"กายวิภาคศาสตร์", "ประสาทวิทยา", "ประสาทวิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["neuroanatomy"] = labels["ประสาทกายวิภาคศาสตร์"]

labels["ประสาทวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[neurology]], the study of [[nerves]] and [[neurons]].",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "ประสาทวิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["neurology"] = labels["ประสาทวิทยา"]

labels["ประสาทวิทยาศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[neuroscience]], the study of the [[nervous system]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["neuroscience"] = labels["ประสาทวิทยาศาสตร์"]

labels["neurosurgery"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ศัลยกรรม", "ประสาทวิทยา"},

labels["นิวตรอน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์นิวเคลียร์"},
labels["neutron"] = labels["นิวตรอน"]

labels["ดาวนิวตรอน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"นิวตรอน", "ความโน้มถ่วง", "ฟิสิกส์ดาราศาสตร์", "relativity", "ดาวฤกษ์"},
labels["neutron stars"] = labels["ดาวนิวตรอน"]

labels["คำนาม (หัวข้อ)"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วจีวิภาค"},
labels["nouns"] = labels["คำนาม (หัวข้อ)"]

labels["พลังงานนิวเคลียร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"พลังงาน", "ฟิสิกส์นิวเคลียร์", "เทคโนโลยี"},
labels["nuclear energy"] = labels["พลังงานนิวเคลียร์"]

labels["nuclear fusion"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"พลังงานนิวเคลียร์"},

labels["ฟิสิกส์นิวเคลียร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์", "quantum mechanics"},
labels["nuclear physics"] = labels["ฟิสิกส์นิวเคลียร์"]

labels["nuclear rocketry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"พลังงานนิวเคลียร์", "rocketry", "space access"},

labels["obstetrics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยาการเจริญ", "แพทยศาสตร์", "pregnancy"},

labels["oceanography"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},

labels["oenology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[oenology]], the study of [[wine]] and [[winemaking]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ไวน์}}",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},

labels["oncology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[oncology]], the study of [[cancer]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "แพทยศาสตร์", "พยาธิวิทยา"},

labels["onomastics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[onomastics]], the study of [[name]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ชื่อ (หัวข้อ)|หมวดหมู่:ชื่อ{{{langcat}}}}}",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์", "ชื่อ"},

labels["ophthalmology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ophthalmology]], the study of the [[eye]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ตา}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "การมองเห็น"},

labels["ทัศนศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[optics]], the study of the behaviour of [[light]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:แสง}}",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["optics"] =labels["ทัศนศาสตร์"]

labels["orbits"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"อวกาศยานศาสตร์", "ความโน้มถ่วง", "อวกาศ", "curves"},

labels["เคมีอินทรีย์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี"},
labels["organic chemistry"] = labels["เคมีอินทรีย์"]

labels["orgonomy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=the [[orgone]] theory proposed by {{w|William Reich}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก", "วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},

labels["ปักษีวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[ornithology]], the study of [[birds]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:นก}}",
	parents = {"สัตววิทยา"},
labels["ornithology"] = labels["ปักษีวิทยา"]

labels["บรรพชีวินวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "ธรณีวิทยา"},
labels["paleontology"] = labels["บรรพชีวินวิทยา"]

labels["palynology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[palynology]], the study of [[particle]]s and particulate matter.",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},

labels["parapsychology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"forteana", "วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},

labels["ฟิสิกส์ของอนุภาค"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[particle physics]], the study of [[subatomic]] [[particle]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:อนุภาค}}",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},
labels["particle physics"] = labels["ฟิสิกส์ของอนุภาค"]

labels["วจีวิภาค"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=[[part of speech|parts of speech]]",
	parents = {"ไวยากรณ์"},
labels["parts of speech"] = labels["วจีวิภาค"]

labels["พยาธิวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[pathology]], the study of [[disease]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:การเจ็บป่วย}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["pathology"] = labels["พยาธิวิทยา"]

labels["petrochemistry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี", "วิศวกรรมเคมี", "อุตสาหกรรมน้ำมัน"},

labels["petrology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[petrology]], the study of [[rock]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:Rocks}}",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},

labels["เภสัชวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ชีวเคมี", "แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["pharmacology"] = labels["เภสัชวิทยา"]

labels["pharmacy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "เภสัชวิทยา"},

labels["หน่วยเสียง"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "=contrastive sounds within a language",
	parents = {"สัทวิทยา"},
labels["phonemes"] = labels["หน่วยเสียง"]

labels["สัทศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},
labels["phonetics"] = labels["สัทศาสตร์"]

labels["สัทวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[phonology]], the organisation of [[speech]] sounds within a [[language]].",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},
labels["phonology"] = labels["สัทวิทยา"]

labels["phrenology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"จิตวิทยา", "วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"},

labels["phycology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[phycology]], the study of [[algae]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สาหร่าย}}",
	parents = {"พฤกษศาสตร์", "จุลชีววิทยา"},

labels["physical chemistry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมี", "ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["ฟิสิกส์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
	commonscat = true,
	wpcat = true,
labels["physics"] = labels["ฟิสิกส์"]

labels["สรีรวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[physiology]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["physiology"] = labels["สรีรวิทยา"]

labels["phytopathology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[phytopathology]], the study of [[disease]] in [[plant]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:โรคพืช}}",
	parents = {"พยาธิวิทยา", "พฤกษศาสตร์"},

labels["planetary nomenclature"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"planetology"},

labels["planetology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[planetology]], the study of [[planet]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ดาวเคราะห์}}",
	parents = {"ดาราศาสตร์", "ธรณีวิทยา"},

labels["ศัลยกรรมพลาสติก"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ศัลยกรรม"},
labels["plastic surgery"] = labels["ศัลยกรรมพลาสติก"]

labels["รัฐศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"สังคมศาสตร์", "การเมือง"},
labels["political science"] = labels["รัฐศาสตร์"]

labels["potential theory"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"คณิตศาสตร์"},

labels["pragmatics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

-- สัทสัมพันธ์ กว้างว่า ฉันทลักษณ์
labels["สัทสัมพันธ์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[prosody]], the study of the [[suprasegmental]] aspects of [[speech]].",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},
labels["prosody"] = labels["สัทสัมพันธ์"]

labels["วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},
labels["pseudoscience"] = labels["วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"]

labels["จิตเวชศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["psychiatry"] = labels["จิตเวชศาสตร์"]

labels["จิตวิเคราะห์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"จิตวิทยา"},
labels["psychoanalysis"] = labels["จิตวิเคราะห์"]

labels["จิตวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[psychology]], the study of the [[mind]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:จิต}}",
	parents = {"สังคมศาสตร์"},
labels["psychology"] = labels["จิตวิทยา"]

labels["จิตบำบัด"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"จิตวิทยา"},
labels["psychotherapy"] = labels["จิตบำบัด"]

labels["pulmonology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[pulmonology]], the study of the [[respiratory system]], including the [[lung]]s.",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["pyrotechnics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์"},

labels["quantity"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"คณิตศาสตร์"},

labels["quantum mechanics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["relativity"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["rheumatology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["วิทยาการหุ่นยนต์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},
labels["robotics"] = labels["วิทยาการหุ่นยนต์"]

labels["rocketry"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"อวกาศยานศาสตร์"},

labels["roofing"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"การก่อสร้าง"},

labels["rosiculture"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"horticulture"},

labels["Russian space program"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=the Russian and Soviet space programs",
	parents = {"อวกาศยานศาสตร์", "การบิน"},

labels["sales"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"marketing"},

labels["วิทยาแผ่นดินไหว"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[seismology]], the study of [[earthquake]]s.",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},
labels["seismology"] = labels["วิทยาแผ่นดินไหว"]

labels["อรรถศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},
labels["semantics"] = labels["อรรถศาสตร์"]

labels["Semitic linguistics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in the study and analysis of [[Semitic]] [[language]].",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["semiotics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"สังคมศาสตร์", "ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["เพศวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[sexology]], the study of [[human]] [[sexuality]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:เพศ}}",
	parents = {"สังคมวิทยา", "เพศ", "จิตวิทยา"},
labels["sexology"] = labels["เพศวิทยา"]

labels["หน่วยเอสไอ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "=[[International System of Units|SI]] [[unit of measure|units of measure]]",
	parents = {"หน่วยวัด"},
labels["SI units"] = labels["หน่วยเอสไอ"]

labels["signal processing"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"คณิตศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "โทรคมนาคม"},

labels["สังคมศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default with the",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "สังคม"},
labels["social sciences"] = labels["สังคมศาสตร์"]

labels["sociolinguistics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์", "สังคมวิทยา"},

labels["สังคมวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[sociology]], the study of [[society]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สังคม}}",
	parents = {"สังคมศาสตร์"},
labels["sociology"] = labels["สังคมวิทยา"]

labels["วิศวกรรมซอฟต์แวร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์", "ซอฟต์แวร์"},
labels["software engineering"] = labels["วิศวกรรมซอฟต์แวร์"]

labels["soil science"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์โลก"},

labels["sorting algorithms"] = {
	type = "set",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"theory of computing"},

labels["sound engineering"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "sound"},

labels["space access"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"อวกาศยานศาสตร์"},

labels["space sciences"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "อวกาศ"},

labels["spectroscopy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"เคมีวิเคราะห์", "ทัศนศาสตร์", "ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["statistical mechanics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"กลศาสตร์"},

labels["สถิติศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์รูปนัย", "คณิตศาสตร์"},
labels["statistics"] = labels["สถิติศาสตร์"]

-- AKA ศัลยศาสตร์, การผ่าตัด
labels["ศัลยกรรม"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},
labels["surgery"] = labels["ศัลยกรรม"]

labels["surveying"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ภูมิศาสตร์"},

labels["ระบบ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"interdisciplinary fields", "วิทยาศาสตร์", "สังคม"},
labels["systems"] = labels["ระบบ"]

labels["systems engineering"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์"},

labels["ทฤษฎีระบบ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "ระบบ"},
labels["systems theory"] = labels["ทฤษฎีระบบ"]

labels["อนุกรมวิธาน"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	additional = "For individual [[taxa]], see [[:หมวดหมู่:Taxonomic names]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา", "ทฤษฎีวิวัฒนาการ"},
labels["taxonomy"] = labels["อนุกรมวิธาน"]

labels["กาล"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ไวยากรณ์"},
labels["tenses"] = labels["กาล"]

labels["teratology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[teratology]], the study of abnormalities in the [[development]] of the [[body]].",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยาการเจริญ", "แพทยศาสตร์", "พยาธิวิทยา", "พิษวิทยา"},

labels["theory of computing"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in theoretical discussion of [[computer science]] or [[computing]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์"},

labels["thermodynamics"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ฟิสิกส์"},

labels["tides"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ความโน้มถ่วง", "ปรากฏการณ์เป็นคาบ"},

labels["พิษวิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[toxicology]], the study of [[poisons]], [[toxins]] and other substances with negative effects on the [[body]].",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:พิษ}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "เภสัชวิทยา"},
labels["toxicology"] = labels["พิษวิทยา"]

labels["traditional Chinese medicine"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์ทางเลือก"},

labels["traffic engineering"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิศวกรรมศาสตร์", "การคมนาคมทางถนน"},

labels["translation studies"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default no singularize",
	parents = {"ภาษาศาสตร์"},

labels["traumatology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in traumatology, the study of wounds and injuries caused by accidents or violence to a person.",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "พยาธิวิทยา"},

labels["ufology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"forteana", "anti-gravity", "celestial inhabitants"},

labels["หน่วยวัด"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are [[unit of measure|units of measure]].",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์", "มาตรวิทยา"},
	commonscat = true,
	wpcat = true,
labels["units of measure"] = labels["หน่วยวัด"]

labels["urban studies"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์", "สังคมศาสตร์"},

labels["urology"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์"},

labels["คำกริยา (หัวข้อ)"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"วจีวิภาค"},
labels["verbs"] = labels["คำกริยา (หัวข้อ)"]

labels["สัตวแพทยศาสตร์"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "สัตว์"},
labels["veterinary medicine"] = labels["สัตวแพทยศาสตร์"]

labels["วิทยาไวรัส"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[virology]], the study of [[virus]]es.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:ไวรัส}}",
	parents = {"แพทยศาสตร์", "จุลชีววิทยา", "พยาธิวิทยา"},
labels["virology"] = labels["วิทยาไวรัส"]

labels["วิทยาภูเขาไฟ"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[volcanology]], the study of [[volcano]]es.",
	parents = {"ธรณีวิทยา"},
labels["volcanology"] = labels["วิทยาภูเขาไฟ"]

labels["สัตววิทยา"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in [[zoology]], the study of [[animal]]s.",
	additional = "{{also|หมวดหมู่:{{{langcode}}}:สัตว์}}",
	parents = {"ชีววิทยา"},
labels["zoology"] = labels["สัตววิทยา"]

labels["zymurgy"] = {
	type = "related-to",
	description = "default",
	parents = {"ชีวเคมี", "brewing"},

return labels