This module will transliterate text in the อักษรโอริยา. It is used to transliterate สันสกฤต (sa), Manda (India) (mha), Kui (India) (kxu), โอริยา (or), Kuvi (kxv), Pengo (peg), Konda-Dora (kfc), and Ollari (gdb). The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:Orya-translit/testcases.


tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local export = {}
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local u = mw.ustring.char
local letter_with_mark = "(.["..u(0x0300).."-"..u(0x036F).."]?)"

local tt = {
	-- consonants
	["କ"] = "ก", ["ଖ"] = "ข", ["ଗ"] = "ค", ["ଘ"] = "ฆ", ["ଙ"] = "ง",
	["ଚ"] = "จ", ["ଛ"] = "ฉ", ["ଜ"] = "ช", ["ଝ"] = "ฌ", ["ଞ"] = "ญ",
	["ଟ"] = "ฏ", ["ଠ"] = "ฐ", ["ଡ"] = "ฑ", ["ଢ"] = "ฒ", ["ଣ"] = "ณ",
	["ତ"] = "ต", ["ଥ"] = "ถ", ["ଦ"] = "ท", ["ଧ"] = "ธ", ["ନ"] = "น",
	["ପ"] = "ป", ["ଫ"] = "ผ", ["ବ"] = "พ", ["ଭ"] = "ภ", ["ମ"] = "ม",
	["ଯ"] = "ย", ["ର"] = "ร", ["ଲ"] = "ล", ["ଳ"] = "ฬ", ["ଵ"] = "ว",
	["ଶ"] = "ศ", ["ଷ"] = "ษ", ["ସ"] = "ส", ["ହ"] = "ห",
	[u(0x0B5C)] = "ฑ̱", [u(0x0B5D)] = "ฒ̱", ["ୟ"] = "ย̱", ["ୱ"] = "ว̱",
	-- independent vowels
	["ଅ"] = "อ", ["ଆ"] = "อา", ["ଇ"] = "อิ", ["ଈ"] = "อี", ["ଉ"] = "อุ", ["ଊ"] = "อู",
	["ଋ"] = "ฤ", ["ୠ"] = "ฤๅ", ["ଌ"] = "ฦ", ["ୡ"] = "ฦๅ",
	["ଏ"] = "เอ", ["ଐ"] = "ไอ", ["ଓ"] = "โอ", ["ଔ"] = "เอา",
	-- dependent vowels and diacritics (excluding front type)
	["ା"] = "า", ["ି"] = "ิ", ["ୀ"] = "ี", ["ୁ"] = "ุ", ["ୂ"] = "ู",
	["ୃ"] = "ฺฤ", ["ୄ"] = "ฺฤๅ", ["ୢ"] = "ฺฦ", ["ୣ"] = "ฺฦๅ",
	["ୖ"] = "~", ["ୗ"] = "~", ["ଂ"] = "ํ", ["ଃ"] = "ห์", ["୍"] = "ฺ",
	["଼"] = u(0x0331), -- macron below
	["ଁ"] = "ม̐", -- candrabindu
	-- marks
	["ଽ"] = "-",
	-- numerals
	["୦"] = "0", ["୧"] = "1", ["୨"] = "2", ["୩"] = "3", ["୪"] = "4",
	["୫"] = "5", ["୬"] = "6", ["୭"] = "7", ["୮"] = "8", ["୯"] = "9",
	-- zero-width space (display it if it hides in a word)
	[u(0x200B)] = "‼",

local adjust0 = {
	-- for convenience
	["ଡ".."଼"] = u(0x0B5C), ["ଢ".."଼"] = u(0x0B5D),
	["େ".."ୖ"] = "ୈ", ["େ".."ା"] = "ୋ", ["େ".."ୗ"] = "ୌ", 

local adjust1 = {
	-- dependent vowels (front type)
	["େ"] = "เ%1", ["ୈ"] = "ไ%1", ["ୋ"] = "โ%1", ["ୌ"] = "เ%1า",

-- About fractions:
local numerator = { ["୲"] = 4, ["୳"] = 8, ["୴"] = 12, ["୵"] = 1, ["୶"] = 2, ["୷"] = 3, }
local fraction = {
	{"1","16"}, {"1","8"}, {"3","16"}, {"1","4"}, {"5","16"}, {"3","8"}, {"7","16"}, {"1","2"},
	{"9","16"}, {"5","8"}, {"11","16"}, {"3","4"}, {"13","16"}, {"7","8"}, {"15","16"},

function export.convertFraction(text)

	local sum = 0
	local c
	for c in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "[୲-୷]") do
		sum = sum + numerator[c]
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "เศษ", args = fraction[sum] }


function, lang, sc, debug_mode)

	if type(text) == "table" then -- called directly from a template
		text = text.args[1]

	for k, v in pairs(adjust0) do
		text = gsub(text, k, v)
	text = gsub(text, ".", tt)

	-- แปลงเศษส่วน
	text = gsub(text, "[୲-୷][୲-୷]?", export.convertFraction)

	for k, v in pairs(adjust1) do
		text = gsub(text, letter_with_mark..k, v)

	text = gsub(text, "([เแไโ])อฺ", "อฺ%1")
	-- ย้ายสัญลักษณ์ขึ้นบน เมื่อมีสระล่าง (ยกเว้นตัวที่ไม่มี)
	text = gsub(text, u(0x0331).."([ุ-ฺ])", u(0x0304).."%1") -- macron below > macron above
	return text


return export